XLisp-Stat ƒ
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;;;; Additional Common Lisp Functions for XLISP-STAT 2.0
;;;; XLISP-STAT 2.1 Copyright (c) 1990, by Luke Tierney
;;;; Additions to Xlisp 2.1, Copyright (c) 1989 by David Michael Betz
;;;; You may give out copies of this software; for conditions see the file
;;;; COPYING included with this distribution.
(setf (get 'first '*setf*) #'(lambda (x y) (setf (nth 0 x) y)))
(setf (get 'second '*setf*) #'(lambda (x y) (setf (nth 1 x) y)))
(setf (get 'third '*setf*) #'(lambda (x y) (setf (nth 2 x) y)))
(setf (get 'fourth '*setf*) #'(lambda (x y) (setf (nth 3 x) y)))
;;;; Defsetf and documentation functions
(defun apply-arg-rotate (f args)
(apply f (car (last args)) (butlast args)))
; (defsetf) - define setf method
(defmacro defsetf (sym first &rest rest)
"Syntax: (defsetf sym fcn [doc])
Installs #'FCN as setf method for SYM."
(if (symbolp first)
`(progn (setf (get ',sym '*setf*) #',first) ',sym)
(let ((f `#'(lambda ,(append (car rest) first) ,@(cdr rest)))
(args (gensym)))
(setf (get ',sym '*setf*)
#'(lambda (&rest ,args) (apply-arg-rotate ,f ,args)))
;; (load-help) - read in file positions fo accessing help info.
(defun load-help ()
(and (null *help-loaded*) (streamp *help-stream*))
(princ "loading in help file information - this will take a minute ...")
(setq *help-loaded* t)
(file-position *help-stream* 0)
(do ((item (read *help-stream* nil '*eof*)
(read *help-stream* nil '*eof*)))
((eq item '*eof*))
((and item
(symbolp item)
(null (get item 'function-documentation)))
(setf (get item 'function-documentation)
(file-position *help-stream*)))
((consp item)
(case (cadr item)
(function (if (null (get (car item) 'function-documentation))
(setf (get (car item) 'function-documentation)
(file-position *help-stream*))))
(variable (if (null (get (car item) 'variable-documentation))
(setf (get (car item) 'variable-documentation)
(file-position *help-stream*))))
(type (if (null (get (car item) 'type-documentation))
(setf (get (car item) 'type-documentation)
(file-position *help-stream*))))
(if (and (boundp (car item))
(objectp (symbol-value (car item)))
(null (send (symbol-value (car item))
(caddr item))))
(send (symbol-value (car item))
(caddr item)
(file-position *help-stream*))))))))
(princ "done")
(defun documentation (symbol doc-type)
"Args: (symbol doc-type)
Returns SYMBOL documentation of type DOC-TYPE."
(let ((doc (case doc-type
(function (get symbol 'function-documentation))
(variable (get symbol 'variable-documentation))
(type (get symbol 'type-documentation))
(setf (get symbol 'setf-documentation)))))
(when (and (numberp doc) (streamp *help-stream*))
(file-position *help-stream* doc)
(setq doc (read *help-stream*)))
(defsetf documentation (symbol doc-type) (value)
(case doc-type
(function (setf (get symbol 'function-documentation) value))
(variable (setf (get symbol 'variable-documentation) value))
(type (setf (get symbol 'type-documentation) value))
(setf (setf (get symbol 'setf-documentation) value))))
;;;; Modules, provide and require
(defvar *modules*)
(defun provide (name)
"Args: (name)
Adds NAME to the list of modules."
(pushnew name *modules* :test #'equal))
(defun require (name &optional (path name))
"Args: (name)
Loads module NAME, unless it has already been loaded. If PATH is supplied it
is used as the file name; otherwise NAME is used. If file NAME is not in the
current directory *default-path* is searched."
(let ((name (string name))
(path (string path)))
(unless (member name *modules* :test #'equal)
(if (load path)
#+macintosh (let ((vol (set-volume)))
(unwind-protect (load path)
(set-volume vol)))
#-macintosh (load (strcat *default-path* path))))))
;;;; Miscellaneous Functions
; setf method for select function
(defsetf select set-select)
(defun vectorp (x)
"Args: (m)
Returns T if M is a vector, NIL otherwise."
(and (arrayp x) (= (array-rank x) 1)))
(defun matrixp (x)
"Args: (m)
Returns T if M is a matrix, NIL otherwise."
(and (arrayp x) (= (array-rank x) 2)))
(defun equalp (x y)
"Args: (x y)
Returns T if (equal x y), or x, y are numbers and (= x y), or
x and y are strings and (string-equal x y)."
(or (equal x y)
(and (numberp x) (numberp y) (= x y))
(and (stringp x) (stringp y) (string-equal x y))))
(defun y-or-n-p (&rest args)
"Args: (&rest args)
Prints STRING, if provided, and reads an answer until an answer of Y or N
is obtained. Returns T for Y, NIL for N."
(do ((answer nil (read))) ((member answer '(y n)) (eq answer 'y))
(if args (apply #'format t args))
(princ " (Y/N)")))
(defmacro push (a l)
"Syntax: (push item place)
Pushes ITEM onto list in generalized variable PLACE."
`(if ,l
(let ((temp ,l))
(rplacd temp (cons (car ,l) (cdr ,l)))
(rplaca temp ,a))
(setf ,l (cons ,a NIL))))
(defmacro pushnew (a l &rest args)
"Syntax: (push item place &key :test :test-not)
Pushes ITEM onto PLACE if it is not already there."
`(unless (member ,a ,l ,@args) (push ,a ,l) nil))
(defun getf (place indicator &optional default)
"Args: (place indicator &optional default)
Returns property value of INDICATOR in PLACE, or DEFAULT if not found."
(let ((mem (member indicator place :test #'eq)))
(if mem (second mem) default)))
(defun functionp (x)
"Args: (x)
Returns T if X is a legal argument to FUNCALL, NIL otherwise."
(or (eq (type-of x) 'closure)
(eq (type-of x) 'subr)
(symbolp x)
(and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'lambda))))
(defun count (x seq &key (test #'eql))
"Args (x seq &key (test #'eql))
Counts the number of times X occurs in SEQ, using TEST for matching."
(reduce #'(lambda (sum y) (if (funcall test x y) (+ sum 1) sum))
seq :initial-value 0))
(defmacro with-input-from-string (stream-string &rest body)
"Syntax: (with-input-from-string (stream string) {form}*)
Opens stream for reading from STRING, binds to STREAM and evaluates
FORMs with this binding."
(let ((stream (first stream-string))
(string (second stream-string)))
`(let ((,stream (make-string-input-stream ,string)))
(progn ,@body))))
(defmacro with-output-to-string (str-list &rest body)
"Syntax: (with-output-to-string (stream) {form}*)
Opens string output stream, binds to STREAM and evaluates FORMs with
this binding. Returns output stream string."
(let ((stream (first str-list)))
`(let ((,stream (make-string-output-stream)))
(progn ,@body)
(get-output-stream-string ,stream))))
(defmacro with-open-file (stream-file-args &rest body)
"Syntax: (with-open-file (stream filename {options}*) {form}*)
Opens file stream for FILENAME with specified options, binds to
STREAM and evaluates FORMs with this binding. Closes stream regardless
of errors."
(let ((stream (first stream-file-args))
(file-args (rest stream-file-args)))
`(let ((,stream (open ,@file-args)))
(progn ,@body)
(if ,stream (close ,stream))))))
(defun realp (x)
"Args: (x)
Returns true if X is a real number."
(or (integerp x) (floatp x)))
;;;; Additional Common Lisp Functions for Xlisp 2.0
;;;; From the init.lsp file supplied in the Xlisp distribution
; (unintern sym) - remove a symbol from the oblist
(defun unintern (symbol)
"Args: (symbol)
Makes SYMBOL no longer present in *OBARRAY*. Returns T if SYMBOL was present;
NIL otherwise."
(let ((subhash (hash symbol (length *obarray*))))
(cond ((member symbol (aref *obarray* subhash))
(setf (aref *obarray* subhash)
(delete symbol (aref *obarray* subhash)))
(t nil))))
; (mapcan fun list [ list ]...)
(defmacro mapcan (&rest args) `(apply #'nconc (mapcar ,@args)))
; (mapcon fun list [ list ]...)
(defmacro mapcon (&rest args) `(apply #'nconc (maplist ,@args)))
; (set-macro-character ch fun [ tflag ])
(defun set-macro-character (ch fun &optional tflag)
(setf (aref *readtable* (char-int ch))
(cons (if tflag :tmacro :nmacro) fun))
; (get-macro-character ch)
(defun get-macro-character (ch)
(if (consp (aref *readtable* (char-int ch)))
(cdr (aref *readtable* (char-int ch)))
;;;; Additional System Functions for Xlisp 2.0
;;;; From the init.lsp file supplied in the Xlisp distribution
; (savefun fun) - save a function definition to a file
(defmacro savefun (fun)
"Args: (fun)
Safe function definition of symbol FUN to file FUN.lsp."
`(let* ((fname (strcat (symbol-name ',fun) ".lsp"))
(fval (get-lambda-expression (symbol-function ',fun)))
(fp (open fname :direction :output)))
(cond (fp (print (cons (if (eq (car fval) 'lambda)
(cons ',fun (cdr fval))) fp)
(close fp)
(t nil))))
; (debug) - enable debug breaks
(defun debug ()
"Args: ()
Enable breaking on error on."
(setq *breakenable* t))
; (nodebug) - disable debug breaks
(defun nodebug ()
"Args: ()
Disable breaking on error on."
(setq *breakenable* nil))
; (untrace) - patched to allow zero arguments
#+xlisp (setf (symbol-function '|untrace|) (symbol-function 'untrace))
#+xlisp (defmacro untrace (&rest args) `(|untrace| ,@(if args args (trace))))